BEval: A Plug-in to Extend Atelier B with Current Verification Technologies

Valério Medeiros Jr.
(Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Rio Grande do Norte)
David Déharbe
(Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte)

This paper presents BEval, an extension of Atelier B to improve automation in the verification activities in the B method or Event-B. It combines a tool for managing and verifying software projects (Atelier B) and a model checker/animator (ProB) so that the verification conditions generated in the former are evaluated with the latter. In our experiments, the two main verification strategies (manual and automatic) showed significant improvement as ProB's evaluator proves complementary to Atelier B built-in provers. We conducted experiments with the B model of a micro-controller instruction set; several verification conditions, that we were not able to discharge automatically or manually with AtelierB's provers, were automatically verified using BEval.

In Nazareno Aguirre and Leila Ribeiro: Proceedings First Latin American Workshop on Formal Methods (LAFM 2013), Buenos Aires, Argentina, August 26th 2013, Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science 139, pp. 53–58.
Published: 2nd January 2014.

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