Negative Translations of Orthomodular Lattices and Their Logic

Wesley Fussner
Gavin St. John

We introduce residuated ortholattices as a generalization of–and environment for the investigation of–orthomodular lattices. We establish a number of basic algebraic facts regarding these structures, characterize orthomodular lattices as those residuated ortholattices whose residual operation is term-definable in the involutive lattice signature, and demonstrate that residuated ortholattices are the equivalent algebraic semantics of an algebraizable propositional logic. We also show that orthomodular lattices may be interpreted in residuated ortholattices via a translation in the spirit of the double-negation translation of Boolean algebras into Heyting algebras, and conclude with some remarks about decidability.

In Chris Heunen and Miriam Backens: Proceedings 18th International Conference on Quantum Physics and Logic (QPL 2021), Gdansk, Poland, and online, 7-11 June 2021, Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science 343, pp. 37–49.
Published: 18th September 2021.

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