@book(gilbert2004modern, author = {W.J. Gilbert and W.K. Nicholson}, year = {2004}, title = {Modern Algebra with Applications}, series = {Pure and Applied Mathematics: A Wiley Series of Texts, Monographs and Tracts}, publisher = {Wiley}, ) @book(hadlock:field-theory, author = {Charles Robert Hadlock}, year = {1975}, title = {Field Theory and its Classical Problems}, volume = {19}, publisher = {Mathematical Association of America}, doi = {10.1017/CBO9781614440192}, ) @misc(shapiro:notes-quadratic-extensions, author = {Joel H. Shapiro}, year = {1999}, title = {Quadratic Extension Fields and Geometric Impossibilities}, url = {https://users.math.msu.edu/users/shapiro/Pubvit/Downloads/QuadExtn/quadxtn.html}, )