@techreport(LaFoSec_securite-2011, author = "{ANSSI}", year = "2011", title = "Analyse des langages OCaml, Scala et F\#", type = "\IeC {\'E}tude de la s\IeC {\'e}curit\IeC {\'e} intrins\IeC {\`e}que des langages fonctionnels ({LaFoSec})", institution = "ANSSI", note = "SafeRiver, CEDRIC and Normation. In French. Available at \url {http://www.ssi.gouv.fr/fr/anssi/publications/publications-scientifiques/autres-publications/lafosec-securite-et-langages-fonctionnels.html}", ) @techreport(LaFoSec_execution-2011, author = "{ANSSI}", year = "2011", title = "Mod\IeC {\`e}les d\IeC {\textquoteright }ex\IeC {\'e}cution du langage OCaml", type = "\IeC {\'E}tude de la s\IeC {\'e}curit\IeC {\'e} intrins\IeC {\`e}que des langages fonctionnels ({LaFoSec})", institution = "ANSSI", note = "SafeRiver, CEDRIC and Normation. In French. Available at \url {http://www.ssi.gouv.fr/fr/anssi/publications/publications-scientifiques/autres-publications/lafosec-securite-et-langages-fonctionnels.html}", ) @techreport(LaFoSec_outils-2011, author = "{ANSSI}", year = "2011", title = "Outils associ\IeC {\'e}s au langage OCaml", type = "\IeC {\'E}tude de la s\IeC {\'e}curit\IeC {\'e} intrins\IeC {\`e}que des langages fonctionnels ({LaFoSec})", institution = "ANSSI", note = "SafeRiver, CEDRIC and Normation. In French. Available at \url {http://www.ssi.gouv.fr/fr/anssi/publications/publications-scientifiques/autres-publications/lafosec-securite-et-langages-fonctionnels.html}", ) @techreport(LaFoSec_recommandations-2011, author = "{ANSSI}", year = "2011", title = "Recommandations relatives \IeC {\`a} l'utilisation du langage {OCaml} et \IeC {\`a} l'installation et la configuration des outils associ\IeC {\'e}s", type = "\IeC {\'E}tude de la s\IeC {\'e}curit\IeC {\'e} intrins\IeC {\`e}que des langages fonctionnels ({LaFoSec})", institution = "ANSSI", note = "SafeRiver, CEDRIC and Normation. In French. Available at \url {http://www.ssi.gouv.fr/fr/anssi/publications/publications-scientifiques/autres-publications/lafosec-securite-et-langages-fonctionnels.html}", ) @techreport(LaFoSec_langages-2011, author = "{ANSSI}", year = "2011", title = "\IeC {\'E}tat des lieux des langages fonctionnels", type = "\IeC {\'E}tude de la s\IeC {\'e}curit\IeC {\'e} intrins\IeC {\`e}que des langages fonctionnels ({LaFoSec})", institution = "ANSSI", note = "SafeRiver, CEDRIC and Normation. In French. Available at \url {http://www.ssi.gouv.fr/fr/anssi/publications/publications-scientifiques/autres-publications/lafosec-securite-et-langages-fonctionnels.html}", ) @techreport(LaFoSec_xsvgen-2012, author = "{ANSSI}", year = "2012", title = "XML Validator Generator {XSVGen}", type = "\IeC {\'E}tude de la s\IeC {\'e}curit\IeC {\'e} intrins\IeC {\`e}que des langages fonctionnels ({LaFoSec}), premi\IeC {\`e}re tranche conditionnelle ({TC1})", institution = "ANSSI", note = "SafeRiver, CEDRIC and Oppida. Available at \url {https://github.com/ANSSI-FR/xsvgen}", ) @inproceedings(CESAR08, author = "Philippe Ayrault and Matthieu Carlier and David Delahaye and Catherine Dubois and Damien Doligez and Lionel Habib and Th\IeC {\'e}r\IeC {\`e}se Hardin and Mathieu Jaume and Charles Morisset and Fran\IeC {\c c}ois Pessaux and Pierre Weis", year = "2008", title = "{T}rusted {S}oftware within {F}o{C}a{L}", booktitle = "{CE}\&{SAR}", address = "{R}ennes, {F}rance", pages = "142--157", ) @misc(W3C_XML_1.1-2006-aug, author = "Tim Bray and Jean Paoli and C. M. Sperberg-McQueen and Eve Maler and Fran\IeC {\c c}ois Yergeau and John Cowan", year = "2006", title = "{Extensible Markup Language (XML) 1.1 (Second Edition)}", howpublished = "W3C Recommendation", ) @misc(W3C_XSD_part1-2011-jul, author = "Shudi Gao and C. M. Sperberg-McQueen and Henry S. Thompson", year = "2011", title = "{W3C XML Schema Definition Language (XSD) 1.1 Part 1: Structures}", howpublished = "W3C Candidate Recommendation", note = "Available at \url {http://www.w3.org/TR/2011/CR-xmlschema11-1-20110721/}", ) @misc(OCaml3.12-2010, author = "Xavier Leroy and Damien Doligez and Alain Frisch and Jacques Garrigue and Didier R\IeC {\'e}my and J\IeC {\'e}r\IeC {\^o}me Vouillon", year = "2010", title = "The {Objective Caml} system release 3.12 -- Documentation and user\IeC {\textquoteright }s manual", howpublished = "INRIA", note = "Available at \url {http://caml.inria.fr/pub/docs/manual-ocaml/}", ) @misc(W3C_XSD_part2-2011-jul, author = "David Peterson and Shudi Gao and Ashok Malhotra and C. M. Sperberg-McQueen and Henry S. Thompson", year = "2011", title = "{W3C XML Schema Definition Language (XSD) 1.1 Part 2: Datatypes}", howpublished = "W3C Candidate Recommendation", note = "Available at \url {http://www.w3.org/TR/2011/CR-xmlschema11-2-20110721/}", )