@article(SpecSharp, author = {Mike Barnett and Manuel F{\"a}hndrich and K. Rustan M. Leino and Peter M{\"u}ller and Wolfram Schulte and Herman Venter}, year = {2011}, title = {Specification and verification: the {Spec\#} experience}, journal = {Commun. ACM}, volume = {54}, number = {6}, pages = {81--91}, doi = {10.1145/1953122.1953145}, note = {\url{http://specsharp.codeplex.com/}}, ) @inproceedings(Bruns11, author = {Daniel Bruns}, year = {2011}, title = {Specification of Red-black Trees: Showcasing Dynamic Frames, Model Fields and Sequences}, booktitle = {10th~{KeY} Symposium}, note = {\url{http://digbib.ubka.uni-karlsruhe.de/volltexte/1000024828}}, ) @inproceedings(VCC, author = {Ernie Cohen and Markus Dahlweid and Mark A. Hillebrand and Dirk Leinenbach and Michal Moskal and Thomas Santen and Wolfram Schulte and Stephan Tobies}, year = {2009}, title = {{VCC:} A Practical System for Verifying Concurrent {C}}, booktitle = {TPHOLs}, series = {LNCS}, volume = {5674}, publisher = {Springer}, pages = {23--42}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-642-03359-9\_2}, note = {\url{http://vcc.codeplex.com/}}, ) @misc(Dafny-examples, year = {Last access: Nov.~2014}, title = {Dafny example gallery}, howpublished = {\url{http://dafny.codeplex.com/SourceControl/latest}}, ) @proceedings(tfm-2004, editor = {C. Neville Dean and Raymond T. Boute}, year = {2004}, title = {Teaching Formal Methods, CoLogNET/FME Symposium, {TFM} 2004, Ghent, Belgium, November 18--19, 2004, Proceedings}, series = {LNCS}, volume = {3294}, publisher = {Springer}, doi = {10.1007/b102075}, ) @proceedings(tfm-2009, editor = {Jeremy Gibbons and Jos{\'{e}} Nuno Oliveira}, year = {2009}, title = {Teaching Formal Methods, Second International Conference, {TFM} 2009, Eindhoven, The Netherlands, November 2--6, 2009. Proceedings}, series = {LNCS}, volume = {5846}, publisher = {Springer}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-642-04912-5}, ) @inproceedings(gladischTyszberowicz2013, author = {Christoph Gladisch and Shmuel Tyszberowicz}, year = {2013}, title = {Specifying a Linked Data Structure in {JML} for Formal Verification and Runtime Checking}, booktitle = {SBMF}, series = {LNCS}, volume = {8195}, publisher = {Springer}, pages = {99--114}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-642-41071-0\_8}, ) @proceedings(formed, editor = {Z. 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Leino}, year = {2008}, title = {This is {Boogie} 2}, type = {Technical Report}, institution = {Microsoft Research}, url = {http://research.microsoft.com/apps/pubs/default.aspx?id=147643}, note = {\url{http://research.microsoft.com/apps/pubs/default.aspx?id=147643}}, ) @inproceedings(Dafny, author = {K. Rustan M. Leino}, year = {2010}, title = {{Dafny}: An Automatic Program Verifier for Functional Correctness}, booktitle = {LPAR-16}, series = {LNCS}, volume = {6355}, publisher = {Springer}, pages = {348--370}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-642-17511-4\_20}, note = {\url{http://research.microsoft.com/en-us/projects/dafny/}}, ) @incollection(auto-active-LM, author = {K. Rustan M. Leino and Micha{\l} Moskal}, year = {2010}, title = {Usable Auto-Active Verification}, booktitle = {Usable Verification Workshop}, publisher = {\url{http://fm.csl.sri.com/UV10/}}, ) @inproceedings(Leino04, author = {K. Rustan M. Leino and Peter M{\"{u}}ller}, year = {2004}, title = {Object Invariants in Dynamic Contexts}, booktitle = {ECOOP}, series = {LNCS}, volume = {3086}, publisher = {Springer}, pages = {491--516}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-540-24851-4\_22}, ) @inproceedings(Mehnert12, author = {Hannes Mehnert and Filip Sieczkowski and Lars Birkedal and Peter Sestoft}, year = {2012}, title = {Formalized Verification of Snapshotable Trees: Separation and Sharing}, booktitle = {VSTTE}, series = {LNCS}, volume = {7152}, pages = {179--195}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-642-27705-4\_15}, ) @inproceedings(MitschQP14, author = {Stefan Mitsch and Jan{-}David Quesel and Andr{\'{e}} Platzer}, year = {2014}, title = {Refactoring, Refinement, and Reasoning -- {A} Logical Characterization for Hybrid Systems}, booktitle = {{FM}}, series = {LNCS}, volume = {8442}, publisher = {Springer}, pages = {481--496}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-319-06410-9\_33}, ) @inproceedings(PFM10-VSTTE10, author = {Nadia Polikarpova and Carlo A. Furia and Bertrand Meyer}, year = {2010}, title = {Specifying Reusable Components}, booktitle = {VSTTE}, series = {LNCS}, volume = {6217}, publisher = {Springer}, pages = {127--141}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-642-15057-9\_9}, ) @inproceedings(EB2, author = {Nadia Polikarpova and Julian Tschannen and Carlo A. Furia}, year = {2015}, title = {A Fully Verified Container Library}, booktitle = {FM}, series = {LNCS}, volume = {9109}, publisher = {Springer}, pages = {414--434}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-319-19249-9\_26}, ) @inproceedings(semicola, author = {Nadia Polikarpova and Julian Tschannen and Carlo A. Furia and Bertrand Meyer}, year = {2014}, title = {Flexible Invariants Through Semantic Collaboration}, booktitle = {FM}, series = {LNCS}, volume = {8442}, publisher = {Springer}, pages = {514--530}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-319-06410-9\_35}, ) @inproceedings(Poll09a, author = {Erik Poll}, year = {2009}, title = {Teaching Program Specification and Verification Using {JML} and {ESC/Java2}}, booktitle = {TFM 2009}, series = {LNCS}, volume = {5846}, publisher = {Springer}, pages = {92--104}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-642-04912-5\_7}, ) @article(sttt-paper, author = {Julian Tschannen and Carlo A. Furia and Martin Nordio}, year = {2014}, title = {{A}uto{P}roof Meets Some Verification Challenges}, journal = {International Journal on Software Tools for Technology Transfer}, doi = {10.1007/s10009-014-0300-y}, ) @inproceedings(TFNM11-SEFM11, author = {Julian Tschannen and Carlo A. Furia and Martin Nordio and Bertrand Meyer}, year = {2011}, title = {Usable Verification of Object-Oriented Programs by Combining Static and Dynamic Techniques}, booktitle = {SEFM}, series = {LNCS}, volume = {7041}, publisher = {Springer}, pages = {382--398}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-642-24690-6\_26}, ) @inproceedings(tacas15, author = {Julian Tschannen and Carlo A. Furia and Martin Nordio and Nadia Polikarpova}, year = {2015}, title = {{A}uto{P}roof: Auto-active Functional Verification of Object-oriented Programs}, booktitle = {TACAS}, series = {LNCS}, volume = {9035}, publisher = {Springer}, pages = {566--580}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-662-46681-0\_53}, ) @misc(VeriFast-examples, year = {Last access: Nov.~2014}, title = {VeriFast example gallery}, howpublished = {\url{http://people.cs.kuleuven.be/~bart.jacobs/verifast/examples/}}, ) @misc(Why3-examples, year = {Last access: Nov.~2014}, title = {Why3 example gallery}, howpublished = {\url{http://toccata.lri.fr/gallery/why3.en.html}}, )