) @article(abel:mscs06, author = "Andreas Abel", year = "2008", title = "Polarized Subtyping for Sized Types", journal = "Mathematical Structures in Computer Science", volume = "18", number = "5", pages = "797--822", ) @incollection(barendregt92lambda, author = "Henk Barendregt", year = "1992", title = "Lambda Calculi with Types", booktitle = "Handbook of Logic in Computer Science, Volumes 1 (Background: Mathematical Structures) and 2 (Background: Computational Structures), Abramsky \& Gabbay \& Maibaum (Eds.), Clarendon", volume = "2", publisher = "Oxford University Press", url = "citeseer.ist.psu.edu/barendregt92lambda.html", ) @unpublished(Cardelli90:Fomegasub, author = "Luca Cardelli", year = "1990", title = "Notes about {F$^\omega _{<:}$}", note = "Unpublished manuscript", ) @article(CardelliLongo90, author = "Luca Cardelli and Giuseppe Longo", year = "1991", title = "A semantic basis for {Q}uest", journal = "Journal of Functional Programming", volume = "1", number = "4", pages = "417--458", ) @phdthesis(Compagnoni:thesis, author = "Adriana Compagnoni", year = "1995", title = "Higher-Order Subtyping with Intersection Types", school = "University of Nijmegen", ) @misc(CompagnoniAGoguenH:HOSDec, author = "Adriana Compagnoni and Healfdene Goguen", year = "1997", title = "Decidability of Higher-Order Subtyping via Logical Relations", url = "ftp://www.dcs.ed.ac.uk/pub/hhg/hosdec.ps.gz", note = "A later version is published as \cite {CompagnoniAGoguenH:TOSHOSInfComp}.", ) @article(CompagnoniAGoguenH:TOSHOSInfComp, author = "Adriana Compagnoni and Healfdene Goguen", year = "2003", title = "Typed Operational Semantics for Higher-Order Subtyping", journal = "Information and Computation", volume = "184", number = "2", pages = "242--297", ) @article(CompagnoniAGoguenH:AntiSymJournal, author = "Adriana Compagnoni and Healfdene Goguen", year = "2006", title = "Anti-symmetry of Higher-Order Subtyping", journal = "Mathematical Structures in Computer Science", volume = "16", number = "1", pages = "41--65", ) @incollection(henk60, author = "Adriana Compagnoni and Healfdene Goguen", year = "2007", title = "Subtyping {\`a} la {Church}", editor = "Erik Barendsen and Venanzio Capretta and Herman Geuvers and Milad Niqui", booktitle = "Reflections on Type Theory, $\lambda $-calculus, and the Mind. Essays dedicated to Henk Barendregt on the Occasion of his 60th Birthday", publisher = "Radboud University Nijmegen", ) @article(HarperPfenning:alg, author = "Robert Harper and Frank Pfenning", year = "2005", title = "On equivalence and canonical forms in the {LF} type theory", journal = "ACM Trans. Comput. Logic", volume = "6", number = "1", pages = "61--101", doi = "http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/1042038.1042041", ) @inproceedings(Mitchell90, author = "John C. Mitchell", year = "1990", title = "Toward a Typed Foundation for Method Specialization and Inheritance", booktitle = "Proceedings of the 17th ACM Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages", pages = "109--124", ) @article(SteffenPierce97, author = "Martin Steffen and Benjamin Pierce", year = "1997", title = "Higher-Order Subtyping", journal = "Theoretical Computer Science", volume = "176", number = "1--2", pages = "235--282", note = "Corrigendum in TCS vol. 184 (1997), p. 247", ) @article(StoneHarper:ExtensionalEquiv, author = "Christopher A. Stone and Robert Harper", year = "2006", title = "Extensional equivalence and singleton types.", journal = "ACM Trans. Comput. Log.", volume = "7", number = "4", pages = "676--722", url = "http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/1183278.1183281", ) @book(Streicher:book, author = "Thomas Streicher", year = "1991", title = "Semantics of Type Theory: Correctness, Completeness and Independence Results", publisher = "{Birkh{\"a}user}", )