An Algebra of Synchronous Scheduling Interfaces

Michael Mendler
(Bamberg University, Germany)

In this paper we propose an algebra of synchronous scheduling interfaces which combines the expressiveness of Boolean algebra for logical and functional behaviour with the min-max-plus arithmetic for quantifying the non-functional aspects of synchronous interfaces. The interface theory arises from a realisability interpretation of intuitionistic modal logic (also known as Curry-Howard-Isomorphism or propositions-as-types principle). The resulting algebra of interface types aims to provide a general setting for specifying type-directed and compositional analyses of worst-case scheduling bounds. It covers synchronous control flow under concurrent, multi-processing or multi-threading execution and permits precise statements about exactness and coverage of the analyses supporting a variety of abstractions. The paper illustrates the expressiveness of the algebra by way of some examples taken from network flow problems, shortest-path, task scheduling and worst-case reaction times in synchronous programming.

In Axel Legay and Benoît Caillaud: Proceedings Foundations for Interface Technologies (FIT 2010), Paris, France, 30th August 2010, Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science 46, pp. 28–48.
Published: 22nd January 2011.

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