Sequentializing Parameterized Programs

Salvatore La Torre
(University of Salerno)
P. Madhusudan
(University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
Gennaro Parlato
(University of Southampton)

We exhibit assertion-preserving (reachability preserving) transformations from parameterized concurrent shared-memory programs, under a k-round scheduling of processes, to sequential programs. The salient feature of the sequential program is that it tracks the local variables of only one thread at any point, and uses only O(k) copies of shared variables (it does not use extra counters, not even one counter to keep track of the number of threads). Sequentialization is achieved using the concept of a linear interface that captures the effect an unbounded block of processes have on the shared state in a k-round schedule. Our transformation utilizes linear interfaces to sequentialize the program, and to ensure the sequential program explores only reachable states and preserves local invariants.

In Sebastian Bauer and Jean-Baptiste Raclet: Proceedings Fourth Workshop on Foundations of Interface Technologies (FIT 2012), Tallinn, Estonia, 25th March 2012, Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science 87, pp. 34–47.
Published: 15th July 2012.

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