Probabilities in Session Types

Bogdan Aman
(Romanian Academy, Institute of Computer Science and A.I.Cuza University, Iasi, Romania )
Gabriel Ciobanu
(A.I.Cuza University and Romanian Academy, Iasi, Romania)

This paper deals with the probabilistic behaviours of distributed systems described by a process calculus considering both probabilistic internal choices and nondeterministic external choices. For this calculus we define and study a typing system which extends the multiparty session types in order to deal also with probabilistic behaviours. The calculus and its typing system are motivated and illustrated by a running example.

In Mircea Marin and Adrian Crăciun: Proceedings Third Symposium on Working Formal Methods (FROM 2019), Timişoara, Romania, 3-5 September 2019, Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science 303, pp. 92–106.
Published: 2nd September 2019.

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