A standardisation proof for algebraic pattern calculi

Delia Kesner
(PPS, CNRS and Universite Paris Diderot - France)
Carlos Lombardi
(Universidad Nacional de Quilmes - Argentina)
Alejandro Ríos
(Universidad de Buenos Aires - Argentina)

This work gives some insights and results on standardisation for call-by-name pattern calculi. More precisely, we define standard reductions for a pattern calculus with constructor-based data terms and patterns. This notion is based on reduction steps that are needed to match an argument with respect to a given pattern. We prove the Standardisation Theorem by using the technique developed by Takahashi and Crary for lambda-calculus. The proof is based on the fact that any development can be specified as a sequence of head steps followed by internal reductions, i.e. reductions in which no head steps are involved.

In Eduardo Bonelli: Proceedings 5th International Workshop on Higher-Order Rewriting (HOR 2010), Edinburgh, UK, July 14, 2010, Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science 49, pp. 58–72.
Published: 17th February 2011.

ArXived at: https://dx.doi.org/10.4204/EPTCS.49.5 bibtex PDF
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