LP2PB: Translating Answer Set Programs into Pseudo-Boolean Theories

Wolf De Wulf
(Vrije Universiteit Brussel)
Bart Bogaerts
(Vrije Universiteit Brussel)

Answer set programming (ASP) is a well-established knowledge representation formalism. Most ASP solvers are based on (extensions of) technology from Boolean satisfiability solving. While these solvers have shown to be very successful in many practical applications, their strength is limited by their underlying proof system, resolution. In this paper, we present a new tool LP2PB that translates ASP programs into pseudo-Boolean theories, for which solvers based on the (stronger) cutting plane proof system exist. We evaluate our tool, and the potential of cutting-plane-based solving for ASP on traditional ASP benchmarks as well as benchmarks from pseudo-Boolean solving. Our results are mixed: overall, traditional ASP solvers still outperform our translational approach, but several benchmark families are identified where the balance shifts the other way, thereby suggesting that further investigation into a stronger proof system for ASP is valuable.

In Francesco Ricca, Alessandra Russo, Sergio Greco, Nicola Leone, Alexander Artikis, Gerhard Friedrich, Paul Fodor, Angelika Kimmig, Francesca Lisi, Marco Maratea, Alessandra Mileo and Fabrizio Riguzzi: Proceedings 36th International Conference on Logic Programming (Technical Communications) (ICLP 2020), UNICAL, Rende (CS), Italy, 18-24th September 2020, Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science 325, pp. 206–219.
Published: 19th September 2020.

ArXived at: https://dx.doi.org/10.4204/EPTCS.325.25 bibtex PDF
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