Final Sentential Forms

Tomáš Kožár
Zbyněk Křivka
Alexander Meduna

Let G be a context-free grammar with a total alphabet V, and let F be a final language over an alphabet W such that W is a subset of V. A final sentential form is any sentential form of G that, after omitting symbols from V - W, it belongs to F. The string resulting from the elimination of all nonterminals from W in a final sentential form is in the language of G finalized by F if and only if it contains only terminals.

The language of any context-free grammar finalized by a regular language is context-free. On the other hand, it is demonstrated that L is a recursively enumerable language if and only if there exists a propagating context-free grammar G such that L equals the language of G finalized by {w#w^R | w is a string over a binary alphabet}, where w^R is the reversal of w.

In Benedek Nagy and Rudolf Freund: Proceedings of the 13th International Workshop on Non-Classical Models of Automata and Applications (NCMA 2023), Famagusta, North Cyprus, 18th-19th September, 2023, Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science 388, pp. 38–47.
Published: 15th September 2023.

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