Rule-based transformations for geometric modelling

Thomas Bellet
(University of Poitiers)
Agnès Arnould
(University of Poitiers)
Pascale Le Gall
(Ecole Centrale Paris)

The context of this paper is the use of formal methods for topology-based geometric modelling. Topology-based geometric modelling deals with objects of various dimensions and shapes. Usually, objects are defined by a graph-based topological data structure and by an embedding that associates each topological element (vertex, edge, face, etc.) with relevant data as their geometric shape (position, curve, surface, etc.) or application dedicated data (e.g. molecule concentration level in a biological context). We propose to define topology-based geometric objects as labelled graphs. The arc labelling defines the topological structure of the object whose topological consistency is then ensured by labelling constraints. Nodes have as many labels as there are different data kinds in the embedding. Labelling constraints ensure then that the embedding is consistent with the topological structure. Thus, topology-based geometric objects constitute a particular subclass of a category of labelled graphs in which nodes have multiple labels.

In Rachid Echahed: Proceedings 6th International Workshop on Computing with Terms and Graphs (TERMGRAPH 2011), Saarbrücken, Germany, 2nd April 2011, Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science 48, pp. 20–37.
Published: 11th February 2011.

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