Experimental Aspects of Synthesis

Rüdiger Ehlers
(Saarland University)

We discuss the problem of experimentally evaluating linear-time temporal logic (LTL) synthesis tools for reactive systems. We first survey previous such work for the currently publicly available synthesis tools, and then draw conclusions by deriving useful schemes for future such evaluations.

In particular, we explain why previous tools have incompatible scopes and semantics and provide a framework that reduces the impact of this problem for future experimental comparisons of such tools. Furthermore, we discuss which difficulties the complex workflows that begin to appear in modern synthesis tools induce on experimental evaluations and give answers to the question how convincing such evaluations can still be performed in such a setting.

In Johannes Reich and Bernd Finkbeiner: Proceedings International Workshop on Interactions, Games and Protocols (iWIGP 2011), Saarbrücken, Germany, 27th March 2011, Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science 50, pp. 1–16.
Published: 18th February 2011.

ArXived at: https://dx.doi.org/10.4204/EPTCS.50.1 bibtex PDF
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