Teaching Higher-Order Logic Using Isabelle

Simon Tobias Lund
(Technical University of Denmark)
Jørgen Villadsen
(Technical University of Denmark)

We present a formalization of higher-order logic in the Isabelle proof assistant, building directly on the foundational framework Isabelle/Pure and developed to be as small and readable as possible. It should therefore serve as a good introduction for someone looking into learning about higher-order logic and proof assistants, without having to study the much more complex Isabelle/HOL with heavier automation. To showcase our development and approach we explain a sample proof, describe the axioms and rules of our higher-order logic, and discuss our experience with teaching the subject in a classroom setting.

In Julien Narboux, Walther Neuper and Pedro Quaresma: Proceedings 12th International Workshop on Theorem proving components for Educational software (ThEdu'23), Rome, Italy, 5th July 2023, Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science 400, pp. 59–78.
Published: 6th April 2024.

ArXived at: https://dx.doi.org/10.4204/EPTCS.400.5 bibtex PDF
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