@article(Cook:2011:PPT:1941487.1941509, author = {Byron Cook and Andreas Podelski and Andrey Rybalchenko}, year = {2011}, title = {Proving Program Termination}, journal = {Commun. ACM}, volume = {54}, number = {5}, pages = {88--98}, url = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/1941487.1941509}, ) @inproceedings(ccg, author = {Matt Kaufmann and Panagiotis Manolios and J Strother Moore and Daron Vroon}, year = {2006}, title = {Integrating CCG analysis into ACL2}, booktitle = {Workshop Proceedings: WST 2006, Eighth International Workshop on Termination}, pages = {64--68}, url = {http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?doi=}, ) @misc(terminatricks, author = {{J} Moore}, year = {Accessed: 2018}, title = {Terminatricks}, howpublished = {{\url{https://github.com/acl2/acl2/tree/master/books/projects/codewalker/terminatricks.lisp}}}, )