@inproceedings(BKSV08, author = "N. Berger and N. Kapur and L. J. Schulman and V. Vazirani", year = "2008", title = "Solvency {G}ames", booktitle = "Proc. of {FSTTCS}'08", doi = "10.4230/LIPIcs.FSTTCS.2008.1741", ) @inproceedings(BBE10, author = "T. Br{\'a}zdil and V. Bro\v {z}ek and K. Etessami", year = "2010", title = "One-{C}ounter {S}imple {S}tochastic {G}ames", booktitle = "Proc. of {FSTTCS}'10", pages = "108--119", doi = "10.4230/LIPIcs.FSTTCS.2010.108", ) @inproceedings(BBEK11, author = "T. Br{\'a}zdil and V. Bro\v {z}ek and K. Etessami and A. Ku\v {c}era", year = "2011", title = "Approximating the Termination Value of One-Counter MDPs and Stochastic Games", booktitle = "Proc. {ICALP} 2011", note = "Accepted, to appear.", ) @inproceedings(BBEKW10, author = "T. Br{\'a}zdil and V. Bro\v {z}ek and K. Etessami and A. Ku\v {c}era and D. Wojtczak", year = "2010", title = "One-{C}ounter {M}arkov {D}ecision {P}rocesses", booktitle = "A{CM}-{SIAM} {SODA}", pages = "863--874", note = "Full tech report: CoRR, abs/0904.2511, 2009. http://arxiv.org/abs/0904.2511.", ) @article(BBFK08, author = "T. Br{\'a}zdil and V. Bro\v {z}ek and V. Forejt and A. Ku\v {c}era", year = "2008", title = "Reachability in {R}ecursive {M}arkov {D}ecision {P}rocesses", journal = "Inform. and Comput.", volume = "206", number = "5", pages = "520--537", doi = "10.1016/j.ic.2007.09.002", ) @inproceedings(BBKO09, author = "T. Br{\'a}zdil and V. Bro\v {z}ek and A. Ku\v {c}era and J. Obdr\v {z}\'{a}lek", year = "2009", title = "Qualitative {R}eachability in {S}tochastic {BPA} {G}ames", booktitle = "Proc. 26th {STACS}", pages = "207--218", doi = "10.4230/LIPIcs.STACS.2009.1837", ) @article(BBKO11, author = "T. Br{\'a}zdil and V. Bro\v {z}ek and A. Ku\v {c}era and J. Obdr\v {z}\'{a}lek", year = "2011", title = "Qualitative {R}eachability in {S}tochastic {BPA} {G}ames", journal = "Inform. and Comput.", doi = "10.1016/j.ic.2011.02.002", note = "Accepted, to appear soon. Preliminary version available at \burl {http://arxiv.org/abs/1003.0118}.", ) @article(C92, author = "A. Condon", year = "1992", title = "The {C}omplexity of {S}tochastic {G}ames", journal = "Inform. and Comput.", volume = "96", pages = "203--224", ) @inproceedings(EKM04, author = "J. Esparza and A. Ku\v {c}era and R. Mayr", year = "2004", title = "Model-Checking Probabilistic Pushdown Automata", booktitle = "Proc. of 19th {LICS}'04", publisher = "IEEE", pages = "12--21", ) @inproceedings(EY05stacs, author = "K. Etessami and M. Yannakakis", year = "2005", title = "Recursive {M}arkov {C}hains, {S}tochastic {G}rammars, and {M}onotone {S}ystems of {N}onlinear {E}quations", booktitle = "Proc. of 22nd {STACS}'05", publisher = "Springer", pages = "340--352", ) @inproceedings(GH-SODA10, author = "H. Gimbert and F. Horn", year = "2010", title = "Solving {S}imple {S}tochastic {T}ail {G}ames", booktitle = "A{CM}-{SIAM} {S}ymposium on {D}iscrete {A}lgorithms ({SODA}10)", pages = "847--862", ) @article(M98, author = "D. A. Martin", year = "1998", title = "The {D}eterminacy of {B}lackwell {G}ames", journal = "The Journal of Symbolic Logic", volume = "63", number = "4", pages = "1565--1581", ) @book(Puterman94, author = "M. L. Puterman", year = "1994", title = "Markov {D}ecision {P}rocesses", publisher = "J. Wiley and Sons", )