@misc(GrGenUserManual, author = "Jakob Blomer and Rubino Gei{\ss } and Edgar Jakumeit", year = "2011", title = "{The GrGen.NET User Manual}", howpublished = "\url {http://www.grgen.net}", ) @inproceedings(hello, author = "Sebastian Buchwald and Edgar Jakumeit", year = "2011", title = "Saying Hello World with GrGen.NET - A Solution to the TTC 2011 Instructive Case", ) editor = "\write \rebib { editor = "{Van Gorp}",}", @misc(StructuralRecursion, author = "Berthold Hoffmann and Edgar Jakumeit and Rubino Gei{\ss }", year = "2008", title = "Graph Rewrite Rules with Structural Recursion", howpublished = "2nd Intl. Workshop on Graph Computational Models (GCM 2008)", note = ""\url {http://www.informatik.uni-bremen.de/ hof/papers/08-GCM.pdf}"", ) @inproceedings(programunderstandingcase, author = "Tassilo Horn", year = "2011", title = "Program Understanding: A Reengineering Case for the Transformation Tool Contest", ) editor = "\write \rebib { editor = "{Van Gorp}",}", @misc(share, author = "Edgar Jakumeit and Sebastian Buchwald", year = "2011", title = "{SHARE} demo related to the paper Solving the TTC 2011 Reengineering Case with GrGen.NET", howpublished = "\url {http://is.ieis.tue.nl/staff/pvgorp/share/?page=ConfigureNewSession&vdi=XP-TUe_TTC11_GrGen_v2.vdi}", ) @proceedings(ttc2011eptcs, editor = "Pieter {Van Gorp} and Steffen Mazanek and Louis Rose", year = "2011", title = "{TTC} 2011: Fifth Transformation Tool Contest, Z\"urich, Switzerland, June 29-30 2011, Post-Proceedings", publisher = "{EPTCS}", )